A cute notebook layout that's mobile friendly

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A side scrolling layout

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A brown and cream colored layout with cute bear stickers

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Photopea tutorial #1: How to make animated stamps
(click this)

1. Find a template and make sure the background is transparent. Deviantart has lots.

2. Download it and open it in Photopea.
3. Go to File > Open > select your stamp template.
You can scroll in and out by using the scroll wheel.
4. Repeat this process and open whatever GIF you want. Pinterest has lots of perdy ones if you search 'aesthetic gif' or '[whatever color] gif'. Make sure the file extension is '.gif' and not '.png' or '.jpg' otherwise it won't work.

5. Making sure you're on the tab of the gif you opened, go to the layers menu and click the first layer, then shift + click the last one to select all of the layers. Copy and paste this into the stamp templates' tab like this:

It should have copy/pasted the gifs' individual frames in the project as well as the template.
6. Click and drag the layer that the stamp template is on and drag it to the very top so that it sits above all the other layers. Then shift + click and select all the layers like we did before and then click the button on the bottom of the layers tab that looks like a chain. This lets you link layers together, which means they inherit eachothers' rotation, scale, and position.

7. Which means we can select just one layer, press alt + ctrl + T, and resize all the frames at once to a size that fits our stamp.

7a. As an optional step, select the rectangle select tool and select the inside of the sticker. Then press ctrl + shift + I to invert the selection. Then erase the background of each frame of the gif.
8. Go to file > Export > GIF and save the file on your computer.

And that's it! You should now have an animated stamp.

I've not had much to do lately besides sit around and complain about things and I'd like to not do that as much. So instead I think every once in a while I'll try spending a day or two coding layouts. However, I have no use for the layouts I create so I'll put them here for free use.

Do whatever you want with whatever you find on this page. Change the layout. Replace image urls with your own custom ones. Take the templates here and make totally new layouts with them. I don't care. You don't even have to credit me. If I can do it, you can do it too.

Custom Layouts
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